Kerala University passes resolution against Governor; VC remains silent

Thiruvananthapuram: The University of Kerala’s Senate on Saturday passed a resolution against Governor Arif Mohammed Khan citing the latter’s decision to constitute a Search Committee for selecting a new vice-chancellor for the varsity without including its representatives as undemocratic. The Senate also sought to see the Committee disbanded.
However, the present vice-chancellor VP Mahadevan Pillai is silent about the swift turns of events, despite knowing very well that he is likely to face action.
If it is found that the vice-chancellor has erred, Pillai could see suspension or worse yet, expulsion.
However, he can take comfort in the fact that only months remain in his current tenure. The current tenure ends in October.
The Search Committee should’ve been constituted in early August, but was delayed by the non-responsiveness of the Senate.
As per the current law, the panel that appoints a new vice-chancellor should comprise a Governor’s nominee, a University nominee and a UGC nominee.
The panel must submit a list of options for the Governor to give the final word.
Initially, the name that made the rounds was Planning Board vice-chairman VK Ramachandran’s. However, he withdrew himself from the post.
Due to the delay in submitting new names, the Governor took the matter into his own hands and constituted a Search Committee to find a new vice-chancellor.
It is this Committee that formed the three-member panel. It includes Director of IIM Kozhikode Dr Debashish Chatterjee as the Governor’s nominee and VC of Karnataka Central University Batu Satyanarayana as the UGC nominee. The Office of the Governor had earlier stated that a University nominee will be included later, but this has not happened yet.
The agenda for electing a new member of the university was omitted from the agenda of the Senate meeting held on Saturday.
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